Prevent Frozen Pipes Before the Real Cold

Prevent Frozen Pipes Before the Real Cold

There are three major causes of frozen pipes: quick drops in temperature, poor insulation, and thermostats that are set too low. Here are some important steps you can take now (before the real cold weather hits us) to prevent frozen pipes:

Insulate pipes in your home’s crawl spaces and attic; exposed pipes are most susceptible to freezing. As a general rule, remember that the more insulation you use, the better protected your pipes will be.

Use heat tape on exposed water pipes to prevent your pipes from freezing. Heat tape requires electricity, but it can be used just on those days and nights when the temperature is below freezing and you’re concerned about preventing frozen pipes.

Seal leaks that may allow cold air inside near where pipes are located. You should be on the lookout for air leaks around electrical wiring, dry vents, and pipes. Use caulk or insulation to keep the cold air out. In freezing temperatures, even a small opening can let in enough cold air to cause a pipe to freeze.

Disconnect garden hoses and, if possible, use an indoor valve to shut off and drain water from pipes leading to outside faucets.