Category: Wells & Water

How to avoid freezing pipe Headaches

How to avoid freezing pipe Headaches

With temps plunging into record lows, the potential for frozen pipes can create a headache for homeowners. Here are just a few things one can try to avoid this from happening.

In basements and crawl spaces, pipes touching an outside wall or located outside need to be properly covered. There is an insulation that is available at most home improvement or plumbing stores that is the shape of the pipe (usually 1/2″ copper), has a slit down the middle and wraps around the pipe.

Remove any hoses in the backyard from the hook up, shut off the valve and open the valve outside so all the water drips out.

I know this one will go against your conserve water side, but turn on your taps. There’s pressure built up in the pipes, and if water’s not moving and that pipe is exposed to cold then it could Freeze, so just turn that faucet on a little bit. Moving water will not freeze as rapidly as it could just sitting in the pipe.

In the event of a prolonged power outage, turn off the main shut off valve which controls water coming into the house and then open all the faucets and let the water run through. This way you have no water in the pipes for freezing.

You can also drain your water heater during an outage to avoid damage. Usually above the water heater there are two valves, one for hot water and one for cold water, shut off the water there. On the bottom of the water heater, there is a spout and that is where you will drain the water.

Sometimes even after taking measures to avoid a freeze up it happens. If you have no water and suspect your pipes are frozen, we strongly recommend not tampering with them and call a plumber. There have been instances of consumers trying to heat pipes on their own, which can, in turn cause more damage.

If a pipe has burst, the first thing to do is automatically go to the shut off valve and turn the water off. That will stop the water from making any more damage. Then call in a plumber to fix the pipe.


Carmel Water District 6 Gets New Storage Tanks

Carmel Water District 6 Gets New Storage Tanks

A few months back CWD #6 water tanks started leaking. Check out Bee and Jay along with Kuck Excavating replacing the tanks. The upgrade will secure the district water storage for the next 50 years.

60 year old leaking water storage tank, drained and being removed.
60 year old leaking water storage tank, drained and being removed.
Leaking storage tank removed from pad and set on road for exposal.
New water tanks on truck being delivered at Route 84 Exit
12″ sand/gravel bed waiting for new tanks.
New tank being lifted off truck at site location
New tank almost off truck.
16,000 lbs of new tank
New tank almost off truck.
New tank being lowered onto pad.
New tank being lowered onto pad.

Signs you need a water softening system

Do you ever wonder if you need a water softening system? Here are a few signs around your house that it maybe time to give Bee and Jay a call for a free water analysis.

  • You begin to notice scales forming in your shower heads, boiler, and bottom of steam irons, dishwashing machines and pipes.
  • You notice low flows through kitchen faucets and showerheads.
  • You begin to see excessive buildup in your bath tubs.
  • You use more shampoo or laundry soap than you think you should.
  • Your dishes and glasses becoming spotted when dry.
  • You may see staining on your sinks, tubs, showers, and clothing.
  • Your hairs feel sticky when washed with hard water.
  • Your Domestic water heater begins to plug, volume/pressure slows to a trickle.

Another Potential Disaster Averted!

In keeping along similar lines of our last blog, sometimes owners fear the worst when they have to call a plumber to address what could be a severe and expensive issue in their home. On Friday, we got a call from a long-term customer with inadequate hot water throughout thier home.

Jimmy and Ryan responded to the call and tested and inspected and found the problem was not their hot water heater. The problem was an outdoor bar sink faucet that had a broken stem causing a cross-connection making them lose hot water in the house. They warmed up the blow torch and installed isolation valves, fixing the problem and making hot showers for everyone possible again. This particular service call only took an hour and they were able to clear a clogged shower drain as well…

We can’t stress enough how important it is to call your plumber no matter how bad you think the situation could be- it doesn’t always mean it will be as bad as you fear.

Click here for pictures of Jimmy and Ryan on the job!

Welcome to Bee and Jay on WordPress

Welcome to Bee and Jay on WordPress

Welcome to Bee and Jay Plumbing on WordPress!

This is a place where we intend to share with you some tricks of the trade, post some how-to videos, and keep you informed on the latest and greatest plumbing & heating innovations…..

We welcome and encourage as much feedback as possible- the more you tell us what you want to read about, the more we’ll be able to give you!

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to FOLLOW us on Twitter and LIKE us on Facebook!

Happy blogging!
